Thursday 5 December 2013

The Measles Express

There once was a boy with measles,
Who went out with his pet weasel,
But the boy started twitching
When his spots started itching
And he drank half a gallon of diesel.

Yet the weasel was filled with disdain,
When his owner turned into a train.
He wasn't impressed
When the "Measles Express"
Left him stranded alone in the rain.


Hat Horrors!

There once was a man in a bowler hat
Who swung from a tree - well fancy that!
He saw a pink bonnet,
Fell down upon it
And landed in the mud with a splat!

A Girl Like Me

A girl who looked just like me
Went out on a spending spree.
She felt rather honoured
To have a few dollars -
'Til the money blew into a tree.